Brain Injury Lawyer
The brain is susceptible to all types of damage, and brain injuries are some of the most difficult to diagnose and heal. The aftermath of such an injury can put both emotional and financial stress on the victim and the victim’s loved ones. Workers’ compensation and insurance claims are popular ways of obtaining relief, but depending on the reason for the injury, you may be able to file a lawsuit.
Know Your Options
Most brain injury lawsuits use the theory of negligence as the foundation of their case. If you’re claiming negligence, that means that you believe an individual, a company, or another group of people are responsible for the injury. You’ll have to provide proof that the defendant’s actions or lack of actions directly resulted in your loved one’s brain injury. Because this can be a difficult thing to prove, it is important that you gather as much detailed evidence as possible. Be prepared with all the appropriate medical diagnoses, records, and bills as well as any details about the accident itself. For example, if your loved one suffered a brain injury because his or her taxi driver was driving under the influence and caused an auto accident, you would want a copy of the police report that details the conditions of the scene and the driver’s blood alcohol content.
Representing a Loved One
There are a few situations in which you can file a lawsuit on a loved one’s behalf. One condition is that your loved one is mentally or physically impaired. This is entirely possible with the more serious, debilitating brain injuries that make it impossible for the victim to represent themselves. Lawsuits concerning minors can also be filed by a loved one. If the victim is under the age of eighteen years old, a parent or guardian can file on their behalf. If a loved one has died as a result of an accidental brain injury, you can file for wrongful death.
Getting Expert Assistance
The nature of brain injuries and the legal situations surrounding them can be incredibly complex. That’s why it’s integral that you have someone who’s experienced in brain injury litigation in your corner. A knowledgeable brain injury lawyer will do everything they can to assess the situation, provide you with numerous options, and try to get you a fair settlement. If you believe someone is legally responsible for a loved one’s brain injury, don’t hesitate to ask for help.