Wrongful death cases are some of the most complicated parts of personal injury law. Not only are they completely emotionally taxing and traumatic, but they can also be difficult to prove sometimes.
Retain Legal Representation
The first and perhaps the most important thing to do if you suspect your loved one was killed due to the negligence of someone else is to hire a wrongful death lawyer to assist in your case. Your lawyer will investigate what happened and gather as much evidence as possible to prove that negligence did exist. Hiring a lawyer is incredibly helpful because he or she can speak to others on your behalf so that you do not jeopardize the integrity of your case. Your lawyer will determine whether or not a settlement is fair, as they are often much lower than you deserve, and will take all of the filing pressure off of your shoulders so that you can properly grieve the loss of a loved one.
Determine the Value of Your Case
Your lawyer will help determine what your wrongful death case may be worth. Some of the things he or she will be looking at will include the future earning potential as well as benefits of your lost loved one. It would not be fair to leave you without the funds that you were anticipating to have with your deceased family member. You deserve to not have to change your lifestyle because you lost your loved one too soon. The negligent party needs to be held accountable and make sure your life is just as comfortable as you were used to it being.
Negotiate a Possible Settlement
Ideally, you would just settle so you do not have to go through the taxing process of a court case. Your lawyer will help figure out what a fair number would look like and try their best to get the other party to settle on that amount. Sometimes, it is beneficial for both parties to settle. This is especially if there is an abundance of evidence against the negligent party. Other times, the defence will choose to go to court to try to give less compensation for the accident. Your lawyer will be able to facilitate this each step of the way and will ensure that all of the important deadlines are met. There is a statute of limitations that exists in every state that makes it impossible to file if you do not meet it. Even though it is difficult to move forward while still grieving the loss of your loved one, it is crucial to push forward to get the compensation you deserve.
Contact a Law Firm Today
You always need to have an experienced wrongful death lawyer, like our friends from Greenberg Law Offices, on your side for a wrongful death case.