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Personal Injury Attorney In Southeast Georgia For Over 20+ Years

Are Uber and Lyft Car Accidents Different?

How Are Uber and Lyft Car Accidents Different?

The process of planning for a car accident claim is quite similar across many types of motor accidents. Ideally, you’ll get the other driver’s insurance information, take photos of any damage on both vehicles, and obtain a copy of the police report. Additionally, if you are physically injured, you’ll need to seek medical attention and keep records of your care, including the services provided and the cost. However, if the accident involves a rideshare service such as Uber or Lyft, the claims process can differ from normal accidents. It all depends on your specific situation.

When You’re the Uber or Lyft Driver

If you’re contracted as a driver through Uber or Lyft, your coverage could differ substantially based on the situation at the time of the accident. When you’re working, you’re typically either with a passenger already or searching for a new customer. If you are with a passenger during the accident, you are covered by a $1 million commercial insurance policy. You are still covered by liability insurance if you get into an accident while merely searching for your next customer, but for a lesser amount of up to $50,000. These coverages only apply when you’re technically on the job. If your Uber or Lyft app is off during the time of the accident, you will have to make claims through your own personal insurance.

When You’re the Passenger on a Rideshare

Typically, companies want to ensure your safety when using their service, so there are certain coverages in place should you find yourself in an accident as a passenger of a Lyft or Uber. If your driver is at fault for the accident, you are covered by the same $1 million commercial insurance policy your driver is covered by. If a third party is at fault, you’ll handle the claim like a normal accident by going through that driver’s insurance. Additionally, the rideshare company may supplement any coverage that the at-fault driver’s insurance cannot supply, so there’s a higher chance you’ll get fair compensation.

If You Need Help

Chances are that you’ll need support if you needed medical attention or property damage repair after an accident involving a rideshare. Unfortunately, legal insurance matters can be quite complex, so it’s important for you to find the right traffic lawyer, like our friends at The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt, to provide you some guidance. Rideshare car accident attorneys specialize in situations involving Ubers and Lyfts.