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How to Handle a Rollover Accident on the Road

 The National Highway and Traffic Safety Association, otherwise known as the NHTSA, finds the driver error plays a significant part in rollover accidents, typically because drivers overcompensate in emergency driving situations rather than safely steering through them. Experiencing your car rolling over in an accident is going to be a terrifying experience, and these types of crashes happen often and they are often devastating when it comes to injuries and fatalities. If you are in a rollover crash due to somebody else’s negligence and you were left injured, then you need to talk to a car accident lawyer.

Back to overcompensation, when drivers are driving in emergency situations and their overcompensating during these situations, they are more likely to do the following driving errors:

  • You are more likely to drive with excessive speed if you think that you have to avoid an accident, an animal, a person or whatever is in the roadway. Speed plays a larger role in fatal rollovers than any other kind of traffic fatality. In fact, speeding is a factor in nearly 40% of all fatal rollovers that occur.
  • Driving while impaired is always a dangerous thing, but this does not adequately relay the significant role that impairment can play in deadly rollover accidents. Whether you are impaired, or your rollover is due to avoiding somebody who was driving while impaired and not following the laws of the road, most fatal rollovers up to 50% of them, involving impaired drivers. If you are involved in an emergency driving situation, even having a small amount of alcohol in your system can prove dangerous.
  • Traveling on country roads, rule highways and roads sees more than their fair share of rollover accidents. Oftentimes these roads are considered lacking the safety features of more traveled and divided highways.rural roads may be gravel, they may be dirt, or they may be some other service that is not taking care of well enough or maintained properly that can lead to a higher incidence of rollover accidents at high speeds.
  • Driving on worn, damaged or faulty manufactured tires. Vehicle tires tether us to the road and when they are not up to the task, then you are vulnerable to dangerous accidents, rollovers included. Your ability to control your car safely in an emergency correlates to the condition of your tires and rollover crashes often result in the driver’s loss of control.


Often rollovers are single car accidents. However, rollover crashes involving more than one car do happen. Such accidents are typically predicated on drivers who speed excessively, drive while impaired by alcohol or drugs, or the photo adjusts to average less than perfect conditions. These less-than-perfect conditions can even be weather-related.

If you are in a car accident, you should contact a car accident lawyer, such as the ones available with our friend Daniel E Stuart PA, for more information on what you should do after you are in an accident.